The Roseburg First United Methodist Church invites you to attend Sunday services, participate in our outreach efforts, and attend our ongoing activities and special events.
- Thursday, December 5th at 3pm we will be decorating our Sanctuary Tree.
- Christmas Eve we will be having a Traditional Candlelight service starting at 7pm. Please, arrive anytime after 6pm for gathering time and conversation.
We have many ongoing regular activities as well as special events throughout the year. We strive to keep our visitors and members in the loop with a weekly email announcement, bulletins at Sunday service, flyers around the church property, and The Courier, our bi-monthly newsletter.
You can also like our Facebook page for more updates. We hope to see you at a get-together soon!
Join Our Choirs
We believe music is a special and sacred part of our worship services. You are invited to join one of our choirs and participate in the joy of music. We have a Melodiers Handbell Choir, Voice, and Chancel Choir. The choirs rehearse every Wednesday. For more information and to join a choir, please contact Music Director Michael Wheeler at
Children Welcome
Parents and guardians of children five years of age and younger may drop their children off at our clean, well-equipped nursery where they will be cared for by attendants who are screened and certified according to our Safe Sanctuary abuse prevention program.
For children ages 10 and above coming into worship, there are colorful worship activity trays that can be picked up at the main entrance to the sanctuary. Please leave kits in the pews to be collected by staff.
Local Outreach
We believe in helping others. The Roseburg First United Methodist Church actively gives time and donations to several local organizations including the FISH Food Pantry.
Our property is used by organizations such as The Umpqua Valley Youth Orchestra, the Umpqua Valley Farmers Market, and the Westside Community Gardens. Our property is also used by various organizations for meetings, activities, and other special events.
Global Outreach
The Roseburg First United Methodist Church donates to relief efforts worldwide. Globally we contribute to Camphor Mission, The Haiti Education Foundation, and we provide mosquito nets through the Alternative Christmas Project. We sponsor various outreach initiatives, disaster relief efforts and mission support through UMCOR.
Ongoing Activities
Art and Soul crafters meet in Room 18 the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Class begins with a short devotional that corresponds to the craft of the evening. Most of our classes are free or a minimal fee. We strive to use recycled and/or donated materials to create upcycled projects. Call Julie Pedersen at 541-530-1013.
Tai Chi is a gentle exercise suitable for all ages. It’s great for improving balance and focus. Meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am and Wednesdays at 11:30am in Room 16. $8.00 per class.
Men’s Group has a monthly meeting for a nice meal and camaraderie. For more information contact Steve Barfield at 541-957-2712.
United Women In Faith
The United Women In Faith is an active organization. All women are welcome to participate.
Each year the United Women In Faith sponsor global and local mission programs, retreats, A Ladies Tea, a rummage sale, a holiday dinner and marketplace (November), a reading program, mission recognition, and a World Thank Offering (November).
The UWIF offer support locally to Battered Persons’ Advocacy, Boys and Girls Club, CASA of the Umpqua Valley, CONNECT Youth Group, Douglas C.A.R.E.S., Family Development Center, Roseburg Rescue Mission/ Samaritan Inn, Roseburg Senior Center, Safe Haven Maternity Home, St. Joseph Community Kitchen, The FISH of Roseburg, The Warming Center, Umpqua Valley Habitat for Humanity, and the Westside Community Garden. Globally we contribute to Camphor Mission, The Haiti Education Foundation, and we provide mosquito nets through the Alternative Christmas Project.
For more information on the United Women In Faith please contact Jan Barfield at 541-957-2712.